The Attorneys of Campbell Shatley regularly provide professional development and in-service training throughout North Carolina. A listing of the professional development and in-service training we have provided can be found below:
In-Service Training:
- Board Member Training
- School Administrators’ Legal In-Service
- Principal Training
- Teacher Training
- Legislative Updates
Professional Development:
- Art of Interviewing Employees and Working with Law Enforcement
- Athletics and Student Safety
- Board Of Education Reporting Protocol
- Board Member Bias and the Duty to Recuse
- Board Member Ethics
- Bullying and Harassing Behavior
- Criminal Investigations; Intelligence Information Records, Innocence Inquiry Commission Records
- Dealing with “Helpful” Groups
- Dismissals and Non-renewals of School Employees
- Employee Due Process
- Employee Investigations/Discipline Milestones
- Employee Reduction in Force
- Employee Resignations
- FERPA – A Basic Overview
- FMLA, Disability, Leave Of Absence’s
- Gifts and Favors to Board Members
- Investigation Best Practices
- NCSBA Excellent Schools Act Committee Sub Analysis
- NCSBA Original Excellent Schools Act Analysis
- Powers and Duties of a Principal
- Professional Standards of Employees: Policy and Practice
- Professionalism in the Workplace
- Public & Confidential Information Contained in Personnel Files
- Public Records – Disclosure and Confidentiality Mandates for Public Schools
- Section 504
- Social Media and Students
- Social Media and Employees
- Special Education
- Student Records and FERPA
- Student Discipline: Regular Education and Special Education Students
- Student Search and Seizure and the Use of SROs
- Subpoenas / Custody Orders / Right to Records
- Teacher Employee Evaluation
- Teacher Performance Issues and Improvement Plans
- Title IX
If you are interested in having an attorney from Campbell Shatley work with you on professional development or in-service training, please contact us.